Somehow I'm existing on about 3 hours sleep since I got home...so far so good...I'm trying to get some work done in between popping in and out of this place, but I think probably by this afternoon my brain will return to mush.
Had Enough
i thought for sure that someone else would have posted something here.. we had a great turn out and there wasn't a bethel spy to be seen, well except for me but we got that figured out fast enough.
thanks to peter for organizing us and for the great suggestion for an eatery.. what an interesting cross section of people.
from those in their early 20's to those in their ummmm continuing holding pattern of 29!!
Somehow I'm existing on about 3 hours sleep since I got home...so far so good...I'm trying to get some work done in between popping in and out of this place, but I think probably by this afternoon my brain will return to mush.
Had Enough
i thought for sure that someone else would have posted something here.. we had a great turn out and there wasn't a bethel spy to be seen, well except for me but we got that figured out fast enough.
thanks to peter for organizing us and for the great suggestion for an eatery.. what an interesting cross section of people.
from those in their early 20's to those in their ummmm continuing holding pattern of 29!!
Hello 68storm:
Well....LOL on your report of last night....Were we at the same place?...ouija boards...rosaries? HAHA
As for "dancing girls" next time ....I don't think so..doesn't do anything for me..that's what I meant about the chippendales---just for the record (gotta think of my reputation you know) Who knows..maybe I'll be outvoted though.
somebody: from 68storm's description of how short a time it took him to get to Florida...he's not joking about the speeding tickets..LOL.I would be great though if you could join us next time.
Had Enough
i thought for sure that someone else would have posted something here.. we had a great turn out and there wasn't a bethel spy to be seen, well except for me but we got that figured out fast enough.
thanks to peter for organizing us and for the great suggestion for an eatery.. what an interesting cross section of people.
from those in their early 20's to those in their ummmm continuing holding pattern of 29!!
Hello Kismet:
I shouldn't be posting right now...I should be asleep but I'm too pumped up with all the coffees I needed to stay awake for the drive home...and also from the great time I had tonight...aside from the parking ticket I got for forgetting to pay the attendant as I rushed to catch the bus...at least my car was still there when I returned in the wee hours and not towed away.
I'm one of the ones in the continuing holding pattern of 29 Kismet...thank you for being so kind.
What a great bunch of people I met face-to-face this time, truly enjoyable. We all had good conversation and a lot of laughs and visited great eating establishments in such a quaint area of town...not what I pictured of TO.
Thanks so much to Peter for arranging this and all the great directions and for personally rescuing me from the intimidating traffic and showing me some of the sights of the big city.
By the sounds at our goodbyes, we all are eager to do this again and have more join in.
BTW everyone: expatbrit's profile picture doesn't do him justice..he's much better looking...just thought I'd mention that.
Thanks to those who were with us "in spirit"..it would have been nice if you could have joined us too.
OK now I ready to sleep!
Had Enough
someone asked me to post some of the material i have collected regarding how jws treat kids during their meetings.
the following was culled from my raw files.
those with tender sensibilities might want to read with caution.
Hi somebody:
Sorry...I just noticed your post now.'
In case you didn't find my post on "Children Removed from Family Over Discipline.." it is at http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=8312&site=3
TweetieBird: I too am happy others are interested in this issue, especially when we see authorities reacting in such a strong manner to the kind of "discipline" some groups believe in and practice when happens to be similar to the JW methods. That article jolted me into remembering past experiences I had filed away in my memory.
Then hearing many other experiences from others too, just adds fuel to the fire of realizing this is a widespread issue....not just a few scatterings here and there.
Had Enough
someone asked me to post some of the material i have collected regarding how jws treat kids during their meetings.
the following was culled from my raw files.
those with tender sensibilities might want to read with caution.
Heelo Mommie Dark:
I appreciate your posting here in a separate thread these experiences of others.
I saw them in my post on the Canadian family whose children have been removed by the Children's Aid Society (CAS) because of their religious beliefs of corporal punishment which just mean they feel they have scripturally admonition to use a "rod" like a switch, belt, stick or whatever to discipline their children. I'm glad this info is not going to be buried in my thread and deserves one on its own.
Thank you for having the "stomach" to post these. I hope it will cause some JW lurkers to realize their childrens' welfare is more important than living up to the image the borg. presents of the perfect little family serving god. These men setting the standards of what our children should be able to endure and how they should behave, do not live in the real world...and it's very easy for someone who has never raised a child from infancy to sit back and make judgements and rules for others but they lack the experience to know how a child behaves on a day-to-day basis.
Thanks again for bringing these stories out.
Had Enough
i've received numerous questions asking for documentation of issues raised on this board.
some threads have gems that get developed, then buried, and someone raises the same question.
cd roms whirr.. for some ray franz is more than sufficient, others also enjoy the perspective of "apocalypse delayed" by trained historian james penton, which was vital to me personally.
Hello Dear Maximus:
Again I have to thank you with all my heart for your untiring effort in helping those entrapped by this overbearing taskmaster, the borg.
I cannot express enough how invigorating it is to be free from the shackles of guilt-trips and manipulation. I hold such anticipation in the further enlightenment this book will provide for those still trapped inside and for ones like me who are thirsting for more ammunition to expose the borg for what it really is doing.
I know how much the books of Ray Franz and now the book of James Penton that I'm starting, have just blasted my eyes open, as painful as it was at first because of the deeply entrenched dependency I had on the borg. BUT what a feeling of relief once I recovered from the initial shock of what I was finding out. The exposure of the borg is now what I hope for the most, to be able to release those still being mesmirized by the borg's empty promises.
I look forward to the release of this book, and appreciate the suggestion of Farkel to ask our local libraries to stock this and the books of Ray and James.
This book certainly sounds like an effective part of the artillary needed to break open the protective wall the WTS has been hiding behind.
Total thumbs up on this one.
Had Enough
some of you may have already made a post about this but i have decided to post the following anyway.. the booklet - how can blood save your life?
(copyright 2000).
part 2 - bloodvital for life.
Good Morn all:
This issue has me fascinated in seeing the WTS squirm under direct questioning of their deceiptful "couching" of words which is nothing short of outright lies.
I am in the process of transcribing a cassette tape of radio interview of James Penton on this issue and the Bulgaria involvement and then the WTS spokesman trying to wiggle out of the very direct questions of a very astute interviewer.
I have my little 2yr old granddaughter coming to stay for 2 days any minute now so when I have some more transcribed I'll post it here. I've had to stop and start over and over again trying to make sense of what the spokesman is trying to say or should I say....trying not to say.
Maximus, I too want to see their hypocrisy exposed. They've had the meek and lowly in a tight rein for too long.
You and hawkaw and the others posting their info here is such a breath of fresh air for me.
My dear little friend whose life has been turned upside down by the heavy handedness of the borg. on this issue and the resulting shunning and right now is on the emotional rollarcoaster we all are on when finding out this deceipt.
This place has been helping me for several months now and I'm in turn passing on this info to her to help her. She's at the stage of "trying to catch her breath after feeling a blow to the gut" and the resulting depression is devastating.
I know I've said it before....but I can't thank you all enough for your devotion to exposing the truth of their cruel deceipt.
Simon: you may call yourself the "janitor" of this site but you truly are the master in our eyes.. ...OK now you can blush.
Had Enough
hi folks:.
just thought i'd post this newspaper article about an ongoing battle with a religious group that is quite prevelant in sw ontario, canada called the church of god, a somewhat moderized mennonite group started in 1881.. a family's 7 children have been taken away by the children's aid society over the issue of spanking.
this group upholds the bible's "spare the rod, spoil the child" rule to the point of using actual sticks, belts, switches etc and express that pain has to be felt to instill respect for discipline.
Thanks all for your responses:
I only have time right now to say a couple of things on this subject.
I realize this is a difficult issue for some who have had some terrible experiences with this.
hawkaw: I agree that the issue in the news has more to it than children being disciplined....they do promote the use of a switch, belt etc. and causing pain to get obediance. These groups do seem to have well-behaved children in public but I have to wonder if it isn't more of a cultural thing..."keeping free from the world" attitude that keeps them reserved in public.
MommyDark and RHW...I laud you for your passion in setting a few avid discipliners straight. I recognize the pain a subject like this has for you, MD, and thank you for sharing what you did. If you feel it would do others some good to share more, I'll appreciate that but will understand if it is too painful right now.
Mommy: What a horrible way for a young teenager to have to start out life. Your father sounds like my ex-husband elder who felt that forcing our kids into agreement with him was HIS right as HEAD of the house. It worked with my daughter but totally turned my son away from him and the org. And to expect to force a baby to stop making gurgling sounds during a meeting just is just too ridiculous! But how many parents succumb to doing this because a noisy child reflects badly on their being good JW parents.
Latte: Your comments on alternative disciplinary methods ie: by Penelope Leach are good. I understand sometimes as a last resort a little whack on the behind may be needed but for the most part I like to see a gentler reasoning method and believe love does not come from pain and fear.
The old sayings "this hurts me more than it will you" or "I'm only doing this because I love you" just doesn't make sense.
Thanks all!!
Had Enough
hi folks:.
just thought i'd post this newspaper article about an ongoing battle with a religious group that is quite prevelant in sw ontario, canada called the church of god, a somewhat moderized mennonite group started in 1881.. a family's 7 children have been taken away by the children's aid society over the issue of spanking.
this group upholds the bible's "spare the rod, spoil the child" rule to the point of using actual sticks, belts, switches etc and express that pain has to be felt to instill respect for discipline.
Just thought I'd bring it up to the top again to see if anyone has a response to my question on, if this same reaction by authorities could be triggered by JW disciplinary methods for behavior at meetings. Just curious....
Had Enough
some of you may have already made a post about this but i have decided to post the following anyway.. the booklet - how can blood save your life?
(copyright 2000).
part 2 - bloodvital for life.
Good Night EH:
One thought I got from your post on the Six Expressions....
I saw right away what the WTS big wigs are doing....covering their toushies in a big way. All responsibility falls on the elders...nothing can be thrown back at them (WTS) especially with #s 1-5.
Question: If we mere r&f can see that, can't the elders see that for themselves? Shouldn't that be raising the red flag of caution in their eyes? Wouldn't they be looking into why these warnings are being made?
I'd be heading for the door pronto if I was in their shoes.
Had Enough